Welcome to Recovered, where Dan and Keith dig into all films remade, rebooted, and redone. They say there are no new stories under the sun, and Hollywood's been taking that as an excuse to tell the same stories over and over since the silent era, so we dig into which movies warranted a remake, which remakes improved on the original, and how very often neither of those things are true.
Episode 81: Judges Dredd
Dan and Keith head to Mega-City One to look into two Judges Dredd! First, back in the 90s, Sylvester Stallone brought Britain's favourite satirical comic Judge to Hollywood, but perhaps put a little too much of him on the screen. Dystopic future, overly aggressive protagonist, Rob Schneider is here for some reason, it's a blend of a Judge Dredd adaptation and a Demolition Man follow-up that fails at being either. Two decades later, Karl Urban slips on the iconic helmet for the simply titled Dredd, and we break down everything they put right that the 90s version did wrong, from plot to costume to the insufficiently famous Olivia Thirlby. Listen in!