Welcome to Recovered, where Dan and Keith dig into all films remade, rebooted, and redone. They say there are no new stories under the sun, and Hollywood's been taking that as an excuse to tell the same stories over and over since the silent era, so we dig into which movies warranted a remake, which remakes improved on the original, and how very often neither of those things are true.
Episode 77: Remakes to Come 2025
It's a new year, and Hollywood is still allergic to new ideas, so we have a new crop of remakes on the Horizon! Hooray, question mark? Dan and Keith dig into all the remakes and reboots on the horizon, from Fantastic Four: First Steps and Superman to new takes on Stephen King, Saturday morning cartoons, a weirdly unconnected trio of Universal Movie Monsters, and deep cut remakes you'd never expect that may or may not be released... plus find out what Mega-saga is stalking in the wings, waiting to strike! Listen in!