Welcome to Recovered, where Dan and Keith dig into all films remade, rebooted, and redone. They say there are no new stories under the sun, and Hollywood's been taking that as an excuse to tell the same stories over and over since the silent era, so we dig into which movies warranted a remake, which remakes improved on the original, and how very often neither of those things are true.
Episode 71: Feetloose
Jump back, listeners, as it's time for another 80s classic and its 2010s remake as Dan and Keith cut loose, Footloose. In 1984, Kevin Bacon comes to the town of Bomont to redeem it from frenzied Satanic Panic oppression through the power of dance, with excellent supporting performances from Chris Penn, John Lithgow, and the great Diane Wiest. Then in the 2010s, the story is retold with few updates aside from "also rap exists," with a cast whose breakout star is... Miles Teller? In the Chris Penn role? That can't be right, can it? Which version was better than it had any right to be, and which underdelivered? Tune in and cut foot loose with us!